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Monday, November 19, 2018

This organization helps babies born with indeterminate sex live a normal life

Lahore: An organization in Lahore is doing everything it can to give babies born with an indeterminate sex lead a normal life.

Having done hundred successful operations giving children the hope to fulfill their dreams, the organization believes that treatment is the only way forward, “30-40% of people born with indeterminate sex do not get themselves treated. The treatment is possible but they don’t get it done and join the group of eunuchs.”

The biggest drawback this treatment can have is the patient being have to be on two medicines their entire life but with the promise of a normal life otherwise, “We have operated around 120 such children uptil now and have brought them towards leading a normal life. The biggest drawback these kids can face is having to have 2 medicines their entire life.”

This organization believes that no child deserves to lose the right to lead a fulfilling life for something which is not even in their control.

The post This organization helps babies born with indeterminate sex live a normal life appeared first on ARYNEWS.


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